The Things I’m Thinking on my 35th Birthday

Letter #11: The One with ‘The Soul of My Soul’ and a Cancelled Christmas.

Sabah Ismail✨
5 min readDec 25, 2023
‘Khaled & Reem’ — Artwork by an artist on Instagram, via Middle East Monitor.

Dear friend,

How are you? And how is your beautiful heart?

It’s almost 3 am. Today is my 35th birthday. The children are sleeping, the house smells of freshly baked cake, Christmas lights are twinkling all up and down our street as people will awaken to another Christmas Eve, and I truly am grateful — so grateful — to have had another year of life, and to live with purpose and passion with a heart that is alive.

Today is my 35th birthday and I would normally come to you, as most writers do, with a post filled with my reflections and life learnings over the course of my life so far.

But this is not what I feel called to, although perhaps such a post will come at a later time. Right now, I want to share what’s in my heart and on my mind. I hope you can receive this with an open heart and mind, too.

Today may be my birthday, but yesterday, 23rd December would have been little Reem’s 4th birthday. And she is all I can think about, she is all I can see when I close my eyes.

Just a year older than my little boy, she is the most beautiful little girl with the curliest pigtails and the cheekiest, most…



Sabah Ismail✨

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.