If You’re Not Feeling Great as We Enter 2024, Read This

Letter #12: The One with the Instagram Story I Was Meant to See.

Sabah Ismail✨
6 min readDec 31, 2023

Dear friend,

How are you? And as we prepare to say goodbye to 2023 and move forward into a brand new year, I’m wondering how is your heart? Have you checked in recently? I hope and pray all is well in there. Let me know when you can — I’d love to hear from you.💛

Last week, I celebrated my 35th trip around the sun. In my early twenties, I’d always thought that by my mid-thirties I would completely have my life together. However, in the weeks leading up to this birthday, I was feeling a little bit shit if I’m honest with you.

Wondering how so much time had passed so quickly, questioning why I still felt I had nothing to show for my life, contemplating and regretting past decisions and choices that had impacted my life forever and reflecting on every little thing that had brought me right here to this point. Not acknowledging the fact that I had made it to this point though — still alive, surrounded by love…



Sabah Ismail✨

A human being fascinated by the human experience. Also a writer, artist & transpersonal healing coach writing on spiritual growth, healing & consciousness.